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Hello, what a nice surprise to see you here (well actually I suppose that right now you're partying in Washington :p). This article has been deleted as machine-translation. It doesn't look so to me, but you're not actually quoting any precise source for the translations, except in one case: where did you find the others? I'll now restore the article without the "unsourced" quotations, waiting for a clarification. I'm sorry for the deletion but we're quite aggressive towards unsourced quotations here (perhaps too much?). :-D --Nemo 03:59, 15 lug 2012 (CEST)
- The citation is exactly the one provided, Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian. Harbottle's contains quotes in the original Italian (or French) along with their English translation. You can see this exact page here, at French Wikisource. Cheers! BD2412 (scrivimi) 23:34, 15 lug 2012 (CEST)
- Thank you, I didn't have any doubt about it but I didn't want to reverse my fellow administrator's deletion completely without further info; I see that you've already wikified it, thank you. And thank you very much again for your contribution! Cheers, Nemo 16:49, 16 lug 2012 (CEST)
- You're welcome. It didn't turn out to be much of a chore after all. BD2412 (scrivimi) 22:37, 16 lug 2012 (CEST)
- This project is wonderful, even more ambitious than Hoyt's encyclopedia! You're tireless; we'd need something like this here with an Italian dictionary of quotations here, I hope someone will find time for it sooner or later. I especially like the cross-wiki-ness, which brings me to a question: the OCR of the fr.source version has some problems, especially with accents; I fixed them for Bartolomeo's quotations, but what would the best course be? Can we manage to proofread the text only once, on fr.source, and copy on Wikiquote proofread quotations directly? How do you extract the quotations from the original? --Nemo 06:00, 17 lug 2012 (CEST)
- Arduously. ;-) My process so far has been to go to the Harbottle's index and find all the pages having quotes from a particular author, then go to those Wikisource pages, format the quotes, and copy them over to English Wikiquote (with the translations) and to Italian (or French) Wikiquote without the translations. BD2412 (scrivimi) 18:23, 17 lug 2012 (CEST)
- This project is wonderful, even more ambitious than Hoyt's encyclopedia! You're tireless; we'd need something like this here with an Italian dictionary of quotations here, I hope someone will find time for it sooner or later. I especially like the cross-wiki-ness, which brings me to a question: the OCR of the fr.source version has some problems, especially with accents; I fixed them for Bartolomeo's quotations, but what would the best course be? Can we manage to proofread the text only once, on fr.source, and copy on Wikiquote proofread quotations directly? How do you extract the quotations from the original? --Nemo 06:00, 17 lug 2012 (CEST)
- You're welcome. It didn't turn out to be much of a chore after all. BD2412 (scrivimi) 22:37, 16 lug 2012 (CEST)
- Thank you, I didn't have any doubt about it but I didn't want to reverse my fellow administrator's deletion completely without further info; I see that you've already wikified it, thank you. And thank you very much again for your contribution! Cheers, Nemo 16:49, 16 lug 2012 (CEST)
modificaIf you should again occur to add quotes on it.wikiquote from The Harbottle you could use the following way that I have applied to these two pages: Filippo Baldinucci Bartolomeo da San Concordio. My purpose is to simplify the inclusion of quotations you from The Harbottle so that are respected the simple conventions of it.wikiquote. With a few words: no user should never more fix your edits. At least I hope!
- 1. In the section == Bibliografia == you don't never more add the full source of Harbottle but you should add only the template {{rif/11}} that will include in that page the bibliographical references of The Harbottle;
- 2. Create the section == Note == and put this before == Bibliografia ==;
- 3. After quotations (included in the section of title of the original book) you should add the chapter in the original book and inside the <ref></ref> you shoud put this expression Citato in ''Harbottle'', p.. Eg <ref>Citato in ''Harbottle'', p. </ref>
I hope you find it useful. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 04:08, 18 lug 2012 (CEST)
- Grazie! Indeed, this will be very useful. Salute! BD2412 (scrivimi) 17:30, 18 lug 2012 (CEST)
Pacchetto aggiornamenti skin comune a tutti noi
modificaItalian Gadget in English where possible
modificaI translated into English the description of all our gadgets. Many of them also work in English too. I encourage you to tell me if there are translation's errors and if you like like them. Special:Preferences Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 08:14, 29 set 2012 (CEST)
- No problem. I am headed out to a conference, but will be back in a few hours, and will look them over then. Cheers! BD2412 (scrivimi) 19:05, 29 set 2012 (CEST)
- Ok, thank you. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 00:15, 30 set 2012 (CEST)
- Ok, I'll provide to change "the talks' indentention" into "the indentation in discussions". The function "WhatLeavesHere", instead it is a feature different from WhatLinksHere, however, when I imported the "WhatLeavesHere" gadget I did the same comment to the developer. Do you like, instead the {{Welcome}} template? Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 02:28, 30 set 2012 (CEST)
- Thanks for letting me know, I wasn't sure because I have not seen WhatLeavesHere before. BD2412 (scrivimi) 02:30, 30 set 2012 (CEST)
- Ok, I'll provide to change "the talks' indentention" into "the indentation in discussions". The function "WhatLeavesHere", instead it is a feature different from WhatLinksHere, however, when I imported the "WhatLeavesHere" gadget I did the same comment to the developer. Do you like, instead the {{Welcome}} template? Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 02:28, 30 set 2012 (CEST)
- Ok, thank you. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 00:15, 30 set 2012 (CEST)
This article is perfect. You have used perfectly the it.wikiquote standard. Good Cheers Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 17:58, 1 ott 2012 (CEST)
- Thanks! I will try to keep adding more articles like that one. BD2412 (scrivimi) 18:22, 1 ott 2012 (CEST)
- I made a few changes to the last article you entered. When you want, if you have time, look at the comments to the changes. Ciao Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 04:01, 2 ott 2012 (CEST)
- Three quotes for a subsection, got it, thanks. BD2412 (scrivimi) 05:12, 2 ott 2012 (CEST)
- I made a few changes to the last article you entered. When you want, if you have time, look at the comments to the changes. Ciao Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 04:01, 2 ott 2012 (CEST)
I think you can remove from your sandbox the blue box. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 03:53, 4 ott 2012 (CEST)
I have to make a few observations:
- 1. sometimes (about 2 times) I happened to not find quotations on the pages indicated in your sandbox;
- 2. sometimes on the same page I found two quotations;
- 3. a few times also the bibliographic reference was wrong.
For the rest is a great job. I have gone very slow to check all sources, citations in Italian and to format quotation in Italian, source and quotation translated into English. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 04:03, 4 ott 2012 (CEST)
- Thanks, that's a great amount of work! BD2412 (scrivimi) 05:23, 4 ott 2012 (CEST)
L'Italia farà da sè
modificaL'Italia farà da sè. |
Solved: In Giuseppe Fumagalli, Chi l'ha detto? p. 420, Hoepli, 1904 there is the solution. Chi l'ha detto? is a dictionary of quotations as Harbottle. The title means Who said it?. It's the italian version of Harbottle. In this book Fumagalli said that the quote at issue has not clear attribution. He expatiates much, deeper into the matter and said that the quote was said by several authors.
- 1st author: (Carlo Alberto on it.wikiquote / Charles Albert on in Discorso ai popoli di Lombardia e della Venezia, 23 marzo 1848 / in Speech to the people of Lombardy and Venice, March 23, 1848
- Commento: The original transcription is «[Pio IX] pose l'Italia in grado da far da sè.» that is different from «L'Italia farà da sè.»
- 2nd author: (Giuseppe Garibaldi on it.wikiquote / Giuseppe Garibaldi on in Scritti politici e militari, ricordi e pensieri inediti, a cura di D. Ciampoli, Roma, 1907, p. 20
- Commento: The original transcription is «L'Italia farà questa volta veramente da sè.» that is different from «L'Italia farà da sè.» These words were said after August 9, 1848 therefore after Carlo Alberto but the meaning is closer to our quote.
- 3rd author: (Lorenzo Pareto only on ) in Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour; Lettere, Chiala edition, vol. II, pag. 544
- Commento: The original transcription is «L'Italia farà da sè.» that is the same of «L'Italia farà da sè.» Pareto was at that time the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Piedmont. He said these words in a letter to the French Foreign Minister. It is likely that the entire letter was written by Charles Albert and only adapted by the Minister Pareto.
Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 23:23, 19 ott 2012 (CEST)
- Thanks, excellent research. I conclude from this that there is no point in creating a page here on Lorenzo Pareto, as it seems unlikely that he is the author of the lone quote attributed to him by Harbottle. BD2412 (scrivimi) 00:55, 20 ott 2012 (CEST)
- You can always put the research in "Misattributed" on en.wikiquote and here in "Attribuite". Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 01:01, 20 ott 2012 (CEST)
- I'll put this one off to the end and figure it out once the rest are done. Cheers! BD2412 (scrivimi) 06:03, 20 ott 2012 (CEST)
- You can always put the research in "Misattributed" on en.wikiquote and here in "Attribuite". Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 01:01, 20 ott 2012 (CEST)
Un altro enigma - Vannucci
modificaHi, I don't know why, but I noticed your message only now. I'll answer you in a few minutes. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 01:31, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)
- I understood. The author is Niccolini, but the quote are brought from the work of Vannucci. Therefore you can insert the quotation normally in the article of the original author, but you write that is present in the book of Vannucci in a note. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 01:42, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)
- From the practical point of view, you can copy this words without changing them and you're not wrong.
*Domandando l’impossibile si ottiene il meglio.<ref group="fonte" name="Vannucci">Citato in Atto Vannucci, ''Ricordi della vita e delle opera di G.B. Niccolini'', vol. 1, p. 386, Le Monnier, Firenze, 1866. ([// Disponibile su Google Libri])</ref><ref group="fonte">Citato in ''Harbottle'', p. 330</ref>
Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 01:50, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)- To make you understand a little Italian (this difficult language), "Citato in" means "Quoted in". In italian the days of the week have to be written in lowercase and abbreviation of the "page" too. I thank you for bringing me the problem. In fact, in the book of Vannucci I found many quotes of Niccolini. As soon as possibile, can you check me how much mistakes I made in the English translation of this page? Draft of the Main Page Cheers! Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 02:05, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)
- Thanks for the information - can you take care of this one? BD2412 (scrivimi) 04:06, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)
- Yes, I've already put together other. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 04:45, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)
- Thanks for the information - can you take care of this one? BD2412 (scrivimi) 04:06, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)
- To make you understand a little Italian (this difficult language), "Citato in" means "Quoted in". In italian the days of the week have to be written in lowercase and abbreviation of the "page" too. I thank you for bringing me the problem. In fact, in the book of Vannucci I found many quotes of Niccolini. As soon as possibile, can you check me how much mistakes I made in the English translation of this page? Draft of the Main Page Cheers! Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 02:05, 23 ott 2012 (CEST)
- From the practical point of view, you can copy this words without changing them and you're not wrong.
L'amor costante
modificaThank you for the surgery. I think Donato did not understand the reason of the use of such conventions. Raoli ✉ (scrivimi) 12:51, 26 ott 2012 (CEST)