Ciao a tutti, sono Gobbler. Al momento sto cercando di vedere se e come posso contribuire a wikiquote e di seguito ho raccolto una serie di aforismi che forse potrei collocare da qualche parte.

Aforismi vari modifica

  • "If there is any person to whom you feel a dislike, that is the person of whom you ought never to speak." (Richard Cecil)
  • "The man recovered of the bite. The dog it was that died" (Goldsmith)
  • "L'Orgueil et la Vanité ont plus bâti d'Hôpitaux, que toutes les Vertus ensemble." (Bernard de Mandeville, La Fable des abeilles)
  • "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" (Robert J. Hanlon).
  • "A fool's mind is at the mercy of his tongue and a wise man's tongue is under the control of his mind." (Ali)
  • "A che pro adulare un poveraccio? Lecchi pure la lingua tutto zucchero e le rotule dei flaccidi ginocchi

si pieghino là dove il vile ossequio pensi di poter trarre profitto" (William Shakespeare, Amleto, atto III, scena II)

  • "Gentleness, which belongs to virtue, is to be carefully distinguished from the mean spirit of cowards and the fawning assent of sycophants"
  • "Never throw mud. You may miss your mark; but you must have dirty hands." (Joseph Parker)
  • L'hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu (François de La Rochefoucauld, Maximes)
  • "Be hypocritical, be cautious, be not what you seem but always what you see." (Lord Byron, Don Juan)
  • "Chi non esce dal suo paese, vive pieno di pregiudizi" (Carlo Goldoni)
  • "How immense to us appear the sins we have not committed" (Madame Necker)
  • "A man must be excessively stupid, as well as uncharitable, who believes there is no virtue but on his own side" - (Joseph Addison)
  • "- The problem with some folks is they won't admit their faults. - I would, if I had any." (Unsourced)
  • "Dogs bark at every one they do not know." (Heraclitus)
  • "Selfishness must always be forgiven because there is no hope for a cure"
  • "The more honesty a man has, the less he affects the air of a saint".
  • "It is our duty never to speak ill of others, you know; least of all when we know that to do so will be the cause of much pain and trouble." (George Gissing)
  • "If you want to be respected by others the great thing is to respect yourself" - (Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Insulted and the Injured)
  • "Blessings may appear under the shape of pains, losses, and disappointments; but let him have patience, and he will see them in their proper figures" (Joseph Addison)
  • "There is, however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue." (Edmund Burke)
    "In other men we faults can spy,
And blame the mote that dims their eye;
Each little speck and blemish find,
To our own stronger errors blind."
(John Gay)