* <nowiki>[</nowiki>{{NDR|[[Lobo (personaggio DC Comics)|Lobo]]]}} L'avevo inventato come una criticaun'accusa al [[Punitore]], [[Wolverine]], prototipo dell'eroe duro, e in qualche modo si è affermato come il modello della violenza estrema. ::''I (dacame up with him as an indictment of the Punisher, Wolverine, bad ass hero prototype and somehow he caught on as the high violence poster boy.''<ref>Da [http://web.archive.org/web/20060525000607/http://www.newsarama.com/images/interviews/2006/giffen/GiffenBio.htm un'intervista] di Rik Offenberger per ''Newsarama'', 2006)</ref>
::''I came up with him as an indictment of the Punisher, Wolverine, bad ass hero prototype and somehow he caught on as the high violence poster boy.''