Michel Aflaq: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 19:
:''Our party is an Arab party in the sense that no other party is like it. It does not content itself with the affirmation of the Arab idea but endeavors, in reality, besides its idea, to be the comprehensive Arab party in all the Arab regions. It tackles the Arab problems as an indivisible whole. It does not treat the regional question, including the question of Syria, except in the light of one Arab nation.''<ref name="onbaath"/>
*Colui che pensa che il [[socialismo]] sia una religione della pietà commette un grave errore. Non siamo eremiti che si rifugiano nella misericordia di dare pace ad una coscienza turbata dalla miseria e dalla sofferenza, cosicché diventiamo grandi ai nostri occhi e dormiamo senza problemi. Difendere le masse defraudate non significa far loro l'elemosina ma rivendicare i loro diritti. Noi non siamo solo interessati ad alleviare la loro miseria ma anche nell'incrementare il loro livello di vita. (da ''LaThe ricchezzawealth dellaof vitalife'', 1936)
:''He who thinks that socialism is a religion of pity is gravely mistaken. We are not hermits taking refuge in mercy to give peace to a conscience disturbed by seeing misery and suffering, so that we become great in our own eyes and sleep untroubled. Defending deprived masses is not a matter of giving them alms but demanding their rights. We are not only concerned about alleviating misery but also about increasing the wealth of life.''<ref name="onsocialism">{{en}} Citato in ''[http://albaath.online.fr/English/Aflaq-03-on%20socialism.htm On socialism]'', ''Albaath.online''.</ref>