Amir Taheri: differenze tra le versioni

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Corretto: "libero arbitrio"
Riga 155:
:''Determined to revive Iran's "Aryan" past, the army created by Reza Khan in 1921 considered it a duty to purge the Persian language of as many borrowed Arabic words as possible. The result was a "pure" vocabulary that was, at times, totally incomprehensible to most average Iranians.'' (p. 27)
*Reza Scià non fu ateo, e potrebbe essere meglio definito come un agnostico. Fu, per un periodo, affascinato dagli insegnamenti di Zoroastro, il profeta pre-islamico dell'Iran, ma questo interesse dovrebbe essere compreso nel quadro del suo sogno di vecchio soldato di riportare l'Iran al suo antico splendore. Mohammad Reza, viceversa, era profondamente religioso, al punto di negare ogni libero arbitroarbitrio.
:''Reza Shah was not an atheist and could best be described as an agnostic. He was, for a while, fascinated by the teachings of Zoroaster, Iran's pre-Islamic prophet, but his fascination should be understood in the context of his old soldier's dream of restoring Iran to its ancient grandeur. Mohammad-Reza, on the other hand, was deeply religious, even to the point of rejecting all free will.'' (p. 31)