Julius Nyerere: differenze tra le versioni

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Corretto: "legittimi"
Riga 6:
:''There can be – and indeed are – arguments about whether the United Nations or regional political associations should really allow dictators (however they may have obtained their power) to pursue with impunity policies of crass inhumanity as long as they confine their activities to the helpless victims in their own state. But until now that has been the internationally accepted interpretation of "non-interference in the internal affairs of another state." It has allowed the Hitlers, the Salazars, the Francos, the Pol Pots, the Bokassas, and the Amins of this century to continue their murderous policies for years – sometimes with self-serving external support using the pretext of "normal trading practices."''<ref name="museveni">{{en}} Citato in [[Yoweri Museveni]], ''What is Africa's Problem?'', University of Minnesota Press, 2000.</ref>
*Il mondo ha circa duecento stati sovrani e ognuno è unico nella sua storia, nelle sue condizioni geografiche, nella cultura – o mescolanza di culture – e nel suo livello di sviluppo economico, sociale e politico. Che diritto ha la leadership o il popolo di una nazione di giudicare le strutture politiche o le politiche di un'altra – e con quale metro? e dov'è la nazione forte – o l'organizzazione – che potrebbe avere la garanzia di non dover giustificare mai la propria interferenza negli affari delle altre alla luce dei propri interessi, leggittimilegittimi o meno?
:''The world has nearly two hundred sovereign states and each is unique in its history, geographical conditions, culture – or mix of cultures – and its level of economic, social, and political development. What right has the leadership or the people of one nation to judge the political structures or the policies of another – and by what yardstick? And where is the strong nation – or organization – that could be guaranteed never to justify interference in the affairs of others in the light of its own interests, legitimate or otherwise?''<ref name="museveni"/>