Daniel Negreanu: differenze tra le versioni

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:[...] ''although my veganism started out absolutely about health, it's also become about the environment and animal cruelty. The way animals are treated and the conditions are atrocious. They're force fed steroids, the chickens are de-beaked. You end up eating sick, diseased chickens because they're living in shit. It's like a holocaust on animals.''<ref>{{en}} Da ''[https://munchies.vice.com/en_us/article/mgxwwb/being-vegan-makes-me-a-better-poker-player Being Vegan Makes Me a Better Poker Player]'', ''munchies.vice.com'', 5 maggio 2015.</ref>
*Dal momento in cui ho imparato di più sul veganismo, sugli allevamenti e sulil trattamento deglisubito dagli animali, ciòquesto mi ha proprio disgustato, al punto che non potrei mai immaginare di mangiare ancora gli animali.
:''As I learned more about veganism, and animal farms and the way animals were treated, it just disgusted me to the point where I could never imagine eating animals again.''<ref>{{en}} Dall'intervista di Sophie Jackson, ''pokerlistings.com''; citato in ''[https://www.veganlifemag.com/daniel-negeanu-vegan-poker/ Kid Poker – Vegan Daniel Negeanu Dominates the Card Scene]'', ''veganlifemag.com'', 7 agosto 2016.</ref>