Noam Chomsky: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 11:
:''[...] in October, 1965, Senator Mansfield criticized the "sense of utter irresponsibility" shown by the demonstrators. He had nothing to say then [...] about the "sense of utter irresponsibility" shown by Senator Mansfield and others who stand by quietly and vote appropriations as the cities and villages of North Vietnam are demolished, as millions of refugees in the South are driven from their homes by American bombardment. He has nothing to say about the moral standards or the respect for international law of those who have permitted this tragedy. I speak of Senator Mansfield precisely because he is not a breast-beating superpatriot who wants America to rule the world, but is rather an American intellectual in the best sense, a scholarly and reasonable man -- the kind of man who is the terror of our age. Perhaps this is merely a personal reaction, but when I look at what is happening to our country, what I find most terrifying is not Curtis LeMay, with his cheerful suggestion that we bomb everybody back into the stone age, but rather the calm disquisitions of the political scientists on just how much force will be necessary to achieve our ends, or just what form of government will be acceptable to us in Vietnam. What I find terrifying is the detachment and equanimity with which we view and discuss an unbearable tragedy. We all know that if Russia or China were guilty of what we have done in Vietnam, we would be exploding with moral indignation at these monstrous crimes.''<ref>Da ''[ On Resistance]'', ''The New York Reviews of Book'', 7 dicembre 1967.</ref>
*Se le leggi Norimberga fossero attuate ancora oggi, ogni presidente americano del dopoguerra sarebbe stato impiccato. (da un [ intervento al Saint Michael's College], nel Vermont, attorno al 1990)
*Un paio di anni fa mi sono imbattuto in un documento del Pentagono riguardante le procedure di declassificazione. Tra le altre cose, proponeva che il governo dovesse periodicamente declassificare informazioni riguardanti [[Assassinio di John Fitzgerald Kennedy|l'assassinio di Kennedy]]. Lasciate che la gente cerchi di capire se Kennedy sia stato ucciso dalla mafia, così gli attivisti si impegneranno in un folle e inutile inseguimento anziché andare dietro a veri problemi o organizzarsi.<ref>Tradotto in Massimo Polidoro, [ ''Teorie del complotto: 3 effetti che danneggiano tutti''], '''', 29 febbraio 2016.</ref>
:''A couple of years ago, I came across a Pentagon document that was about declassification procedures. Among other things, it proposed that the government should periodically declassify information about the Kennedy assassination. Let people trace whether Kennedy was killed by the mafia, so activists will go off on a wild goose chase instead of pursuing real problems or getting organized.''<ref>{{en}} Da [ ''What We Say Goes''], 2007, Allen & Unwin, New Zealand, p. 39, ISBN 978-1-74175-348-6</ref>
*Una multinazionale è più vicina al totalitarismo di qualunque altra istitu­zione umana. (da una videointervista a Riccardo Roglione, 17 aprile 2001, riportata in Marcello Danovaro, Cristiano Ghirlanda, ''Globalizzazione e nuovi conflitti, 34 visioni di un mondo possibile'', DeriveApprodi)
*Verdi idee incolori dormono furiosamente.