Discussione:Winston Churchill: differenze tra le versioni

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Questa citazione sostanzialmente spuria origina dalla combinazione di due diversi luoghi testuali, fra loro correlati, relativi non ai "socialisti" ma a Roosevelt in quanto promotore del "New Deal".
1) In un articolo poi riunito con altri nella seconda edizione del suo libro "Great Contemporaries" (1938), Churchill scrive: "For in truth Roosevelt is an explorer who has embarked on a voyage as uncertain as that of Columbus, and upon a quest which might conceivably be as important as the discovery of the New World. In those old days it was the gulf of oceans with their unknown perils and vicissitudes. Now in the modern worls, just a mysterious and forbidding as the stormy waters of the Atlantic is the gulf between the produces, with the limitless powers of science at his command, and the consumer, with legitimate appetites which will never be satiated." (si cita da [https://books.google.ch/books?id=xWhsDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT384&dq=%22conceivably+be+as+important%22+%22new+world%22&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5z4_HoMPpAhXqsaQKHXFZAQMQ6AEIMzAB#v=onepage&q=%22columbus%20&f=false qui])
:1) In un articolo poi riunito con altri nella seconda edizione del suo libro "''Great Contemporaries"'' (1938), Churchill scrive: "For in truth Roosevelt is an explorer who has embarked on a voyage as uncertain as that of Columbus, and upon a quest which might conceivably be as important as the discovery of the New World. In those old days it was the gulf of oceans with their unknown perils and vicissitudes. Now in the modern worlsworlds, just aas mysterious and forbidding as the stormy waters of the Atlantic is the gulf between the produces, with the limitless powers of science at his command, and the consumer, with legitimate appetites which will never be satiated." (si cita da [https://books.google.ch/books?id=xWhsDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT384&dq=%22conceivably+be+as+important%22+%22new+world%22&hl=it&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5z4_HoMPpAhXqsaQKHXFZAQMQ6AEIMzAB#v=onepage&q=%22columbus%20&f=false qui]).
2) Secondo il politico americano Bernard Baruch, il concetto gli sarebbe stato esposto in forma di battuta da alcuni Tories in presenza di Churchill: "At one dinner he gave for me in London, a number of Tories were present who disliked Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. One gentleman decided to amuse the company by asking me the riddle—why were Roosevelt and Columbus alike? His answer was that, like Columbus, Roosevelt did not know where he was going or where he was when he got there, or where he had been when he got back.
Rising, I replied, “Perhaps it is true that Roosevelt and Columbus were alike, since both explored new frontiers and new horizons and both brought a new world into existence to redress the troubles of the old world.” Churchill banged the table in approval, crying, 'Hear, hear!'" (https://archive.org/details/baruch00bern/page/316/mode/2up)
:2) Secondo il politico americano Bernard Baruch, il concetto gli sarebbe stato esposto in forma di battuta da alcuni Tories in presenza di Churchill: "At one dinner he gave for me in London, a number of Tories were present who disliked Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. One gentleman decided to amuse the company by asking me the riddle—whyriddle — why were Roosevelt and Columbus alike? His answer was that, like Columbus, Roosevelt did not know where he was going or where he was when he got there, or where he had been when he got back. Rising, I replied, “Perhaps it is true that Roosevelt and Columbus were alike, since both explored new frontiers and new horizons and both brought a new world into existence to redress the troubles of the old world.” Churchill banged the table in approval, crying, 'Hear, hear!'" (''Baruch: My Own Story'', Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1957, p. 316).
Mi astengo dal modificare (qui e nella pagina "Socialismo"; vedrete voi.
Mi astengo dal modificare (qui e nella pagina "Socialismo"); vedrete voi. --[[Utente:Giovangotango|Giovangotango]] ([[Discussioni utente:Giovangotango|scrivimi]]) 10:37, 21 mag 2020 (CEST)
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