
A fast-moving dandy, he hides his face and body behind a black cape and a smiling Guy Fawkes mask; he keeps everyone at bay with a teasing verbal dexterity that hovers between the awesome and the tedious. When he saves a young woman in the street, Evey (Natalie Portman), from being assaulted by government thugs, he treats her to a rapid alliterative patter ("A vendetta held as a votive, not in vain"), and Portman does a disbelieving double-take—the movie’s only funny moment. V is into Shakespeare, too, and, like a windy ham actor in his dotage, quotes “Macbeth” at every chance. Acting behind the mask, Weaving (Agent Smith in the "Matrix" series) seems to be doing an imitation of James Mason in his most hyper-civilized and elocutionary roles, though Mason was acidly witty, and Weaving is merely formal and condescending. Until he fights, that is: whirling around, V unleashes knives and daggers, slicing off hands and slashing throats in furious ballets of violent revenge.